četrtek, 26.5.2016 10:48
Letter in poročilce
Objavljamo Želka Pelicona poročilce o njegovem včerajšnjem oskrbovalnem obisku pri Daniju Kavašu ter Arijanino pismo odličnemu organizatorju. Kavašev telefon je 070415448
Date: 25/05/2016 01:04 Subject: The Golden era Hello Clement! Thank you very much for your letter and for invitation!! We will never forget your stop in Koper, it was the last quality concert that we organized in the place we were (after 25 years of working) only few months later (the 6th of january) kicked out from the major of the city with just a letter from a lawyer - that gives us one month to evacuate! After that there were scandals (the youger part of the association (that ones that was sending gsm messages during the concert of Poil ... like: "come, come to see...there is a good band playing" - they left us in the storm of media dezinformations - helping the wind and making more waves to submerge the boat)..... but today the place is still there, all paint white and disinfected, maneged from an cultural institution under the major control. Our metal/hardcore/anarchists (some of them ex members) had their squat as thousand other in all Europe... and we, we are in a little office (big enought for about 25 people) in the ground floor of a house that I inherited just a year earlier in the middle of the old city center.
And we are fine. With no money, but trying to come out and to reorganize the work. Marko is playing and singing every day on the street or in the sqare and he is popping balloons arounud the municipality house! He calls this period Golden era.... because we stop to be voluntary prisoners of place. Basta, I wrote too much, but you see, lot happend..
Me, Marko and Iztok we planned to go on Friday in Pula - for a meeting and an intervju with some friends and hopefully future callaborators and to an exposition of another friend (attached). So thank you for the invitation, but we are sorry we cannot come to Ljubljana. We also would like to meet you again. In this moment we can just invite you and the musicians to come to Koper, to meet us and also to stay in Koper, now or anytime you want.
Iztok and Marko and me, we are all sending a big hello and welcome to you, to Guilhem and to the other memebers of Poil and also to the other bands.
Excusez-moi si j'étais trop bavard, stay in tuch, Arijana, Marko, Iztok
Dan s Kavašem
Dani je danes kar dolgo poležaval, saj sem ga prišel vzdignit šele po deseti dopoldne.
Po vstajanju, oblačenju in umivanju sva šla na dolg sprehod (s kavicami) in manjše nakupe (sadje in cigareti).
Vmes mi je moral razložit cel historiat zadnjih treh prisilnih hospitalizacij v psihiatričnih ustanovah (itak ni duševni bolnik, ker nima duše).
Po večurnem vandranju sva za kosilo pogrela včerajšnjo (zelo dobro) joto z domačo klobaso, nakar sem ga kmalu po četrti spravil k (nočnemu)počitku, saj sem moral v KUD....
Jutri ga še lahko vzdignem (ne pa položim), skuham kosilo, pol pa do
nedelje nič...