petek, 27.2.2009 02:20
Sporočilo št. 42
o delovanju v Evropsko ekonomsko-socialnem odboru - EESO
Spoštovane in spoštovani,
Po mesecu brez novice o delovanju v EESO, žal zaradi moje bolezni, se ponovno oglašam z aktualnimi novicami.
Pošiljam informacije iz 451. plenarnega zasedanja Evropsko ekonomsko socialnega odbora – EESO, ki poteka dne 25. in 26. februarja 2009 v Bruslju.
Med mnenji, ki jih obravnavamo nekaj zanimivejših: · NAT/421 Protection of animals at the time of killing; Proposal for a Council regulation on the protection of animals at the time of killing; COM(2008) 553 final – 2008/0180 CNS; CESE 1853/2008 fin – 2008/0180 CNS - Rapporteur: Mr Frank Allen (Gr. III-IE)
· NAT/418 Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS); Proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) ; COM(2008) 402 final – 2008/0154 COD; CESE 1648/2008 fin – 2008/0154 COD - Rapporteur: Mr Antonello Pezzini (Gr. I-IT)
· ECO/237 Facing the challenge of higher oil prices (communication); Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Facing the challenge of higher oil prices ; COM(2008) 384 final; CESE 2024/2008 fin Rapporteur: Mr Carmelo Cedrone (Gr. II-IT)
· SOC/319 A common immigration policy for Europe: Principles, actions and tools (communication); Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A common immigration policy for Europe: Principles, actions and tools; COM(2008) 359 final; CESE 1382/2008 fin
Rapporteur: Mr Luis Miguel Pariza Castanos (Gr. II-ES)
· SOC/320 Policy plan on asylum (communication); Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Policy plan on asylum: an integrated approach to protection across the EU; COM(2008) 360 final; CESE 1377/2008 fin - Rapporteur: Mr Luis Miguel Pariza Castanos (Gr. II-ES)
· SOC/327 Migration, mobility, education; Green Paper: Migration & mobility: challenges and opportunities for EU education systems; COM(2008) 423 final; CESE 1619/2008 fin - Rapporteur: Mr Mário Soares (Gr. II-PT)
· SOC/323 European Civic Service (exploratory opinion requested by the French presidency); CESE 1597/2008 fin - Rapporteur: Mr Thomas Janson (Gr. II-SE)
· NAT/413 Sustainable consumption and production (communication); Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the sustainable consumption and production and sustainable industrial policy action plan; COM(2008) 397 final; CESE 1616/2008 fin - Rapporteur: Mr José María Espuny Moyano (Gr. I-ES)
Rad bi vas obvestil, da sem bil na tej seji imenovan v dve strokovni skupini in sicer:
Setting-up of a monitoring committee for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR); - Civil Society organizations and the EU Presidencies Prva je pomembna, ker so tudi slovenske NVO udeležene kot partnerke v programih EIDHRja, druga pa zaradi praktične izkušnje, ki smo jo slovenske NVO imele s predsedovanjem. Takoj ko bom imel več informacij o delu obeh skupin vam to sporočim.
Sicer lahko delo spremljate na spletnem naslovu, kjer so tudi povezave do ključnih vsebin dostopnih na portalu EESO.
Če vam lahko kako pomagam Bruslju – kot vedno – prosim sporočite.
Prijazen pozdrav ter vse dobro, Primož Šporar PIC, EESO